It was a painful decision.
Did I make the right choice? Was I a bit too rush and will I regret it? Given up baseball and left the squad; Miss the golden chance to meet my friends in Easter; Not being able to celebrate ur birthday; And I’m also going to miss out… well… …so much more… and I can’t be arsed to list them all out in here… This moment I’m looking forward to it and the next minute I start to worry. 3 months, this time. yoo hoo Survived south america and venturing Africa, with an attempt to come back in 1 complete piece (no matter what colour it will be) I’ve always wanted to go to Africa ever since I knew where and what this continent is and what it contains. I’ve always wanted to cuddle a cheetah cub and stroke a lion’s mane I’ve always wanted to have a taste of living in Africa’s wild side I’ve always wanted to do something for that 20% of the population, who’s currently struggling with aids I’ve always wanted to meet the local kids in the tribes I’ve always wanted to have some moments of solitude in an atmosphere with all hues and shades of green Yes. I suppose I did make the right choice I apologize for the bizarre format and grammar. Packing made me think a hell lot. I’m leaving on wednesday. 2 days later. That’s way too soon. |
Archive for February, 2006
a painful decision
omg… The country I’m about to visit is considered as very dangerous?
argh, to hell with that.
This information is current as of today, Wed Feb 22 22:59:26 2006.
This Travel Warning is being issued to remind American citizens of the continuing political, economic and humanitarian instability in Zimbabwe. This supersedes the Travel Warning of March 16, 2005.
The Department of State cautions U.S. citizens of the risks of travel to Zimbabwe, a country in the midst of political and economic turmoil. All U.S. citizens in Zimbabwe are advised to take those measures they deem appropriate to ensure their personal safety.
Zimbabwe’s economy is in a protracted state of decline, with extremely high rates of unemployment and inflation. Shortages of staple foods are a persistent problem. Deteriorating economic conditions have led to a significant increase in crime, including violent crime. A nationwide fuel shortage makes internal travel difficult and unreliable, and severely restricts the response capability of police and other emergency services.
All Americans who travel to or reside in Zimbabwe are urged to register and obtain updated information on travel and security in Zimbabwe with the U.S. Embassy in Harare or on the State Department’s travel registration website at The U.S. Embassy in Harare is located at 172 Herbert Chitepo Avenue and can be contacted by phone at (263) 4-250-593/4/5.
Updated information on travel and security in Zimbabwe may be obtained from the Department of State by calling 1-888-407-4747, or from overseas 1-202-501-4444. For further information, please consult the Consular Information Sheet for Zimbabwe, and the current World Wide Caution Public Announcement, which are located on the Bureau of Consular Affairs Internet website at
Miss Eveille
係無幾耐前既事﹐o係judif 既xanga 度見到…..
呢位老師係我同另外兩個香港朋友既class tutor….
佢每朝都帶大英帝國名牌八掛雜誌 Hello Magazine 返學俾學生睇﹐不過睇唔夠兩分鐘就搶返走鎖起晒D雜誌﹐好似驚死D過期兩個月既雜誌會俾我地偷。
有次Halloween Party 我要幫我個House畫個巫婆Banner…. 搵佢做模特兒。
我地懷疑佢用自己魔法煉製既”香”水… 因為…. 簡直臭到方圓五百米都聞到佢既存在。我地話唔定仲可以好似隻狗咁smell her track 搵到佢。
有次早會我演奏大提琴﹐早會完佢過黎同我講 “Well Done!”﹔
另一次早會﹐class prayers﹐我讀左篇文章。第二日佢寫左張多謝咭俾我﹔
唔…. 開始內疚啦….
Her memorial service is on 25th Feb. But I won’t be in UK. Sorry…
Miss Eveille, Rest in Peace.
Snowboarding @Nagano
Japan Snowboarding Trip January 2006
Magnificent view of Hakuba, Nagano
LLLLLLLL presents:超級無敵Cutie 相 -_-
(Taken on the Roller Coaster)
頂唔順高度愛校School spirit 既就請唔好睇落去….
o係Ski Resort 度我見到個DGS old girl!!! 不過大我成十五六年…. 已經事業有成﹐仲自己開律師樓! 仲每年都去滑雪…. dgs 既人真係勁D既
之後佢聽我同爸爸合奏彈琴… 佢話當時都有玩music… 之後問我玩咩sports team…. 原來…. 佢同我一樣都係Hockey team!!! 仲打同一個position添!!!
“Whenever you spot the brightest one, it’s almost always a DGS girl…”
唔得﹐我都要努力做強人! 唔可以影衰校風!!