Archive for December 16th, 2005

Dec 16


2005 12 16 星期五

兩天前發生了一件很奇妙的事﹐令我想了許多。整件事就像是那些會令 lilian 哭得像不見了 agnes b 手袋的電影情節一樣。



我尋找著哭聲的來源﹐走出了診症室。我看見一個小女孩穿著一件染滿血跡的 t-shirt﹐坐在長凳上哭個不停。在她的後腦有一個一寸長的傷口﹐血仍在泊泊而流。我問她的媽媽 (即是那個阿毛)發生了甚麼事﹐她像機關槍般發射了一連串西班牙文﹐聽得我一頭霧水。

我立即帶小女孩去找另一間診症室裡的女醫生﹐她叫我用 torundas 幫那小女孩清潔傷口。然後我的阿頭醫生也進來了。他檢查了傷口﹐和小女孩的媽媽說了幾句話便離開了。那個女醫生叫我用棉墊緊按住傷口直至止血。當血流得沒那麼驚人時﹐醫生便用 savalon 清洗小女孩的傷口﹐再為她注射了 10cc Buprex Ibuprofen

Muy bien,” 女醫生完成兩個小步驟後說了聲很好”﹐便打發那個母親坐到一旁按著小女孩的傷口﹐然後回頭便繼續她繁忙的一天。

Is that it?” 就這樣算了﹖我忍不住問。


玩我咩針都唔駛聯???!!! 個傷口成一寸有多呀大佬!!

“頭髮也不用剪?” 我問醫生。


我數星期前被一個可愛的棒球打中﹐嘴唇和牙肉每 2.5 毫米便縫了一針﹐現在疤痕尚在﹔一個在腦袋上的整整一寸長的傷口卻不用縫上半針?? 傷口在一個四歲的小孩子的後腦上看來更顯得加倍可怕﹐又深又長﹐血還未止


我的醫療知識大概比那醫生落後幾公里 (或者幾光年)﹐而正在等候的小朋友亦越來越多﹐於是我便回到原來的診症室繼續工作。







混亂之中小女孩的媽媽掉了醫生給她的一瓶 Buprex Ibuprofen在地上﹐打破了。醫生有點生氣地責罵她﹐然後他們便吵了起來。那媽媽眼泛淚光﹐小女孩哭得更大聲了。


我現在應該做甚麼﹖我將所有我懂的西班牙詞彙都說了一遍﹐小女孩卻似乎沒有停止哭泣的打算。剛才的經歷大概太可怕了﹐現在媽媽又不在她身邊﹐只有一個陌生人在跟她不斷說“靚女你好嗎早晨這個賣多少錢芒果很好吃我很喜歡貓貓”…… 也夠令人沮喪的了。




“看﹗” 我叫道﹐”這是山獅~~”













她轉過頭去﹐笑著對媽媽說﹕ “她給我看了貓貓﹗


醫生再拿了一瓶 Buprex Ibuprofen, 連同我寫的藥單給了她們。媽媽接過後﹐便抱著安祖莉嘉向門口走去。




Dec 16

A little girl

A very amazing incident happened to me 2 days ago, one which I really do want to share with you guys. It made me think a hell lot. It looked like scenes from those movies which make Lilian weep and cry, as if she just lost her agnes b handbag.

There are 2 doctors in that clinic I volunteer in, and there are 2 consultation rooms. So normally there is one doctor in each, but the doctor I usually follow had some other work to do that day so he wasn’t in his room.

So I was alone; Alone in the doctor’s room. But there were still kids who were scheduled to take their weight and height for their medical record, so I had to stay there and wait.

An old lady rushed into the room out of the blue and talked to me in Sonic-Speed-Spanish. I was busy taking the height of a kid and I couldn’t really comprehend her blabber. There were always impatient parents who come in and ask what takes us so long; but then I heard a little girl crying.

I went out to see what happened. I saw a little girl, whose T shirt was full of blood, sitting on a bench crying. I looked for her wound. It was behind her skull. An inch-long cut, still bleeding. ‘How did that happen?’ I asked her mom. She rattled on and I didn’t get a single word.

I rushed into the other doctor’s room at once and told her about the girl. We took the girl in and she told me to clean the wound with torundas. My doctor came in and he checked the wound, talked to the mom, then left. The doctor then asked me to push it with a cotton pad until it stops bleeding. When it sort of slowed down a bit, she washed the wound with savalon and gave the girl 10cc of Buprex Ibuprofen via a syringe.

‘Muy bien’(Very well) the doctor said, and asked the mother to sit aside with the girl and press her wound, so she went on with her patients. She was having a really busy day.

‘Is that it?’ I asked the doctor

She said yes

What? No stitches? That god damn cut is over an inch long!!! On a tiny little head of a 4 yr-old! It was pretty deep too, and still bleeding!!

‘Don’t even have to cut her hair?’ I asked

She said no, it’s fine.


The wounds on my lips and gum had like 2 stitches per 5mm, and I still got scars; yet no stitches for a whole damn inch behind her cerebral hemisphere?

I looked at the mom. She looked back at me.

Okay, I am in no position to argue with them. As a matter of fact my medical knowledge is miles (even light-years) behind them. There were a few more kids waiting to take their weight and height, so I went back to my doctor’s room.

You wouldn’t believe what I saw.

I saw Miss Ecuador. The real one.

She was walking around the clinic with a bunch of kids, wobbling her huge boobs (Sorry I did not mean to stare at them on purpose but they were blocking my view of her face) I asked the doctor whether she’s the real Miss Ecuador. The doctor laughed and said of course. She probably just came back from that Miss world thingy.

She made a loud and boisterous entry to the room next door. Yes. The room in which the doctor was seeing her patients, and most importantly, where the little injured girl was resting.

There were people from the press following her. Cameras; Lots of cameras; Reporters; Body Guards; Maybe even paparazzi. The clinic was in a temporary chaos.

I heard the little girl start crying loudly. Of course she would be scared, and she was VERY scared indeed. Consider how much she needed some peace, quietness and oxygen. My doctor came out and yelled at those people getting into the room and asked the mother to carry the girl into his room (Where I am at), and laid her on the bed.

I had always knew those so-called celebrities charity visits are just pranks. Those attention seekers strive to get into the headlines by ACTING sympathetic, compassionate, whatever. But in fact they do more harm than good, messing up the whole chemistry of the clinical system, yet they still manage to mislead the population into thinking how nice and thoughtful they are. What a joke.

During the panic the girl’s mom dropped and broke the bottle of Buprex which she was supposed to feed her everyday afterwards. Then my doctor told her off. They started arguing. I saw the woman sob. The girl cried louder than ever.

The doctor left. Then the mom left. I was left alone with the girl.

Right. What am I supposed to do now? I tried to use every single word in my Espanol vocabulary to comfort her. She couldn’t stop crying, it must be hard to get over the trauma she just had, especially for a young girl this age, without her mom beside her, with a complete stranger muttering something totally meaningless to her.

So what can I do??

I suddenly recalled that I got my camera with me. And I still got pictures in it from my visit to the Santa Martha Animal Rescue center.

I searched for the pictures of the pumas, jaguars, ocelots… and showed the girl. She quieted down a bit, trying to figure out what it was. ‘Look!’ I told her ‘This is a Puma! Meow!’

She laughed.

That was the best thing I heard in these few weeks.

I showed her the other photos. She eventually fell asleep, so I went back to my seat and read her medical record. Her name is Pillica Santin Angelica Maria (pronounced as Pee-yee-ka Sahn-teen Un-heh-lee-ka Mah-lee-ah). Pretty soon my doctor came back with some patients. He asked me where her mother is. I didn’t know. The doctor shrugged and we got on with our work.

After about an hour, there was a knock on the door. It was the Angelica’s mother, panting. She handed the doctor a packet. The doctor opened it.

It was a pack of surgical thread and needle.

I was speechless (I always am anyway)

The doctor was stunned.

I heard him asking the women whether she went to the other town, since there is basically nothing in this remote village. So it took that old mother a whole hour to go all the way to another town and back, just to buy a pack of surgical thread and needle. I guess the doctors refused to stitch that kid’s wound so she bought it then the doctors would have nothing to say.

Can I have some background music here?

Then Angelica woke up. Her mother carried her. The whole surgery was done in the mother’s arms. The doctor anesthetized the girl and showed me how the knots are supposed to be tied in stitches like this, and I had to wipe the blood. The girl had been conscious all the way.

Finally the surgery was over.

I told Angelica, ‘You are a very brave girl.’

She turned to her mother and said with a smile, ‘She showed me kittens!’

Her mother smiled back at her, but I suppose she didn’t understand what Angelica said. Only the little girl and I would know what that meant.

The doctor gave her another bottle of Buprex Ibuprofen. I wrote the prescription sheet. She took them, carried her daughter and headed towards the door.

Suddenly she turned back. She turned to me and shook my hands and said:

‘Thank you very much. See you soon’

Okay. Sorry if I bored you with this long winded story. It may sound pretty dull and unexciting to you, but when you are actually involved in all the scenes, alongside the entire cast, it becomes awfully inspiring. Pretty hard to explain it in words, but I’ve tried the best I could.
