Host famiy doesn{t speak english…. So i was forced to speak spanish… haha… could barely communicate la….. tengo quatro diente roto… no…no dolores… manana salgo temprano….. quito es muy tranquillo, mas que mi pais…. ok done with my broken spanish, i am like talking to myself now….
Anyways, Placement didnt sstart yesterday therefore I went on a day trip on my own… Went to the mountains to look at the whole city of quito yesterady… yes i went all by myself, who can i go with? know no one in this place, but i do enjoy going on my own too. its actualy pretty cool.Took a bus, then went up by cable car, then walked up the rest. Felt my heart beating faster when i go up. Was that high altitude sicknes? or was I just simply tired? anyway I had to take in more fluids in order to stay hydrated. There were quite a lot of kids u there, I guess there was a school visit. those kids were sooooo cute… i{ve always said i like latino kids, and i think due to the severe lack of asians in this country, i look very very different here. its so funny that i hear those kids saying {Chinita} again and again (which means Chinese girl), they come up to me and wave and say hola, buenos dias, como estas (hello, good morning, how are you)… soooooSOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!! of course i smile back and greet back la… and they seem happy about that. omg, i am like a celebrity here… wakakakakkakaka. ok enough with this bulshit. anyway, have a really special feeling in this place, and these kids really made my day then I went to the equator (by bus). I felt hotter and hotter as I went there. is it because i was nearing teh equator? Oh by the way ecuador means equator in spanish and since Ecuador lies square on the equator. that{s how this country got its name from. There was a monument at the equator. and the equator line, which extended for a few hundred meters which was there just to let us know its presense. Okay then I stepped one foot on the northern hemisphere and one on the southern hemisphere. ok. now what. I was facing East. The Earths diameter at the equator is 12756.32km. It completes one spin in 24 hours and it spins towards the East. 12756.32 divided by 24 = 531.513.So, after my precise calculations, I was moving forward at the speed of 531.513km/h!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was moving faster than a Jumbo Jet!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, this country is really cool. The buses are really {dei dou}, the door remains open and there is a conductor standing by it, yelling out to the streets where this bus goes to (a Quito! a Quito!!!!) and ppl hop in when this is the bus they wanted, and hop out whem they arrive their destination. the bus is really bumpy.. haha this is really cool… what a taste of latin americano. But I bet people do have to know this place really well to get on buses. or else they wont even nkow where teh bus is going to and where they should get off. and the conductor goes in and collect the bus fare when the bus stops at the traffic light or sth. an hour and a half{s ride cost me 40cents. and they use US dollars here… OMGGGGGG 40cents for more than an hours ride….. 2 british pounds for 50seconds tube ride in London…… Been riding quite a lot of taxis too. jsut to go here and there within the city center. a 20 minutes ride cost me like 1-2 US dollars….. where else can I travel at this rate? So funny that the taxi drivers are chatting with me…. I cuold barely understand what they say…. ssuch as… where do u come from? what are u here for? how long are u staying? how old are you? when did u arrive this country? etc… all those ice breaking questions.. I{ve decided to trly more on public transsportation, to boost this countrys economy and at teh same time save time, so i can have more time to travel around and see things!! (well, the time for waiting for buses and taxis is quite long though) Anyways, I am safe and sound, so are my teeth. no problem, apart from the fact that I need serious help in spanish. people hardly speak any english around. well, good chance to learn though! hehe… Entonce, I have to go back to my host family now… Will update u guys again! See ya all! 30 days until I go back to Hong Kong as a Latino! |
Archive for November, 2005
好彩中個骨較強既位。牙醫話… 如果個波中高半寸﹐中左個鼻﹐就要住院做手術成個月啦﹔低半寸﹐中正牙﹐D牙就必死無疑﹐斷開晒﹐一定無救….
好多謝大家既關心呀….. 我無事架….. 真係呢世人未收過咁多eprops+comments.. hehe… They are so sweet and they all mean a lot to me.. really
(Light Blue= Jaw Bone)
首先我俾波打中既地方就大約係上排牙偏右既位… 好明顯上顎骨就裂開左+爆咀唇。所以界爛埋牙肉同咀唇內邊。
由於個Impact 太大﹐成塊骨由外至內都裂開左﹐成塊碎骨連牙甩左出黎– 所以界爛埋下唇。其中一片碎片唔見左(可能仲o係球場架….) 打黃星隻牙斷埋根﹐所以有麻煩。
牙 醫做到既暫時就係聯好晒D針+將牙+骨嘗試推回原位…. 都好難100% 架啦…. 點都有少少凸出…. 用左D補粉將四隻門牙痴住暫時定一定位。之後呢幾日就好睇D骨有無connect 返。如果*touchwood* 無﹐就即係D骨已經死左﹐就連牙一齊剝走﹐配假牙….. 而且D架牙都會因位無骨support 而歪向上。
如果好好彩D骨合得返﹐就睇D牙有無死﹐死唔死都要箍牙….。斷根o個隻牙醫就話多數死左啦… 不過都可以碰碰運氣…. 死左﹐又係要配假牙…..
有無嚇親你地呢…. 我諗…. 最嚇親你地既會係一個月之後既我囉….. 一個月唔食得固體食物…… 唔知會瘦成點啦….
*WARNING – this entry is gonna be long. make sure you have the patience*
琴日練波﹐ 好自豪咁同隊友講…. “聽日出發啦。我將會有六個禮拜休息….. hehehe…. 今日我唔怕出事….. 今日要傷盡佢!!!!!!”……………………………… …………………. 係咪做人真係應該小心D講野好呢….? 首先就係隻手掙﹐椗波既時候太用力﹐椗到我諗傷左muscle fibres/tendons 之後 take field 既時候﹐我要做Left Fielder, 接好多高波。頭十幾個都完全無問題﹐接得我好滿意﹐淨係椗返 second base 時手痛所以唔係好夠力…. (左外返二壘﹐點可以唔夠力架????!!!!!) 直至到某一球﹐仲好記得係要向center field 衝去接既。我已經走到去個波著陸既位﹐但係手套出得唔夠快….. The next thing I saw was…. Blood spurting out from my mouth… non stop… 呢世人都未見過咁咁咁多血噴出黎﹐ 更不用提D血係由我個口度噴出黎…. 噴到bea bea 聲咁…. 一開始我都唔知D血係由邊度黎。口? 鼻? 眼? 面? 胃??? 心只係諗…. 今日係Halloween 咩??咁應節既?? 我完全無痛/驚既感覺﹐我都無諗過原來自己遇上呢D事係會咁冷靜….. 凈係感覺到有D野ling 下ling下….. 好似係牙+牙肉…. 又feel 到嘴唇爆開左… 我既 natural instinct 係即刻用手兜住D血… 萬一唔知甩左D乜都執得番… 不過D血完全兜唔晒…. 有幾個team mate 即刻衝過黎… 大家都好幫得手+好關心我。又睇下我個狀況﹐又幫我call 白車﹐又幫我沖水+敷冰+ 止血+扶我返dug out (雖然我唔暈又行得穩)…. 好感動呀。我真係真係真係十萬分感激你地!!! 我呢個醜相真係嚇親好多隊友…. 而又浪費左你地打波既時間…. 真係想o係度講聲好對唔住…. I love baseball. I love my team. I love all of u. 好 彩我隊波有兩個醫生﹐幫我做左D初期既診斷。佢地既工作態度真係好專業。直得表揚。之後醫生隊友Veron 倍左我上白車﹐去左聯合醫院急症。發現原來只係九點…. 原來我miss 左成個幾兩個鐘練習時間…. 唔開心 … 不過我累到Veron 都miss 埋…. 好過意唔去…. 坐白車等既時候…. 我自拍左幾張相做紀念…. hehe… 不過實會引起觀眾不安架啦…. 所以無post 出黎。 o 係醫院等左好耐好耐…. 因為甩牙爆嘴唇唔係有性命危險既急症﹐所以要排好耐…. 又照左X 光… 由於公立醫院野晚無牙醫﹐我媽媽打左俾我睇開個牙醫… 佢原本同家人o係大埔渡假﹐但係都即刻趕返去個醫務所。所以之後媽媽車左我去旺角﹐文醫生醫務所。再照多左張詳盡D既X光﹐同一個徹低既check up,大致上我個情況係咁既….. 上唇有兩處由外至內爆裂﹐一定要聯針。 牙醫同我講﹐o係牙科醫學上﹐呢D叫做嚴重創傷喎…. 弟弟之後都由學校趕黎睇我。今次真係嚇得佢呆左… haha, 唔好意思呀小弟… 媽媽都應該好擔心﹐不過我諗佢見我咁冷靜都無乜野… 況且再嚴重既傷我都傷過。 打左十二支麻醉針…. 牙醫用力將四隻牙推返原位﹐推左幾耐下﹐因為要推得perfectly 齊+對返下排牙﹐所以要慢慢黎+好有心機。之後用左D唔知乜將D牙四隻’痴’埋﹐定好位﹐等佢呢幾日自己recover 一下先。咁就唔洗用牙托。不過﹐都有個可能性係D牙第時會唔整齊。 由於嘴唇外部有爆裂﹐所以為左唔想我毀容﹐文醫生特登急call佢一個做cosmetic surgery 既醫生朋友黎。佢又真係即刻趕黎… 真係好感激杜醫生呀。 之後聯針﹐再打多兩支麻醉針….. 聯左好耐好耐….. 上唇聯左十一針 合 共聯左三十幾四十針….. 真係第一次做咁耐既手術…. 而且我仲完全清醒﹐所以我係觀察著每一個步驟…. 睇住醫生幫自己聯針﹐其實幾得意﹐見D線係咁扯﹐又要打好多個結…. 成個手術過左好耐﹐其實到臨尾幾針既時候﹐麻醉藥已經開始散﹐所以都feel 到少少…. 不過﹐唔係好痛… 咬咀唇仲痛啦…. 牙醫話﹐過幾日我要去導牙根﹐四隻都要﹐不過副作用就係D牙會變黑﹐但係到 時都可以有辦法補救﹐同埋有樣野肯定既就係D神經線已經死晒﹐而nerve fibres 係唔會自己 regenerate 既…. 所以我呢世四隻門牙都唔會有任何感覺架啦…. for the rest of my life。最右手邊既門牙由於斷左牙根﹐情況唔多樂觀﹐有可能會壞死+甩出黎。到時就無辦法啦一定要用假牙啦。同埋呢個禮拜都最好留o係香港﹐導完牙根就 走得。所以醫生話最好延遲一個禮拜….. 想喊﹐但係無辦法啦。 返到屋企有好多野要搞…. 改機票﹐改義工期﹐覆人messages….. 仲有好多藥要食。 成 個禮拜只可以食流質食物。當減肥啦。今日爸爸返屋企﹐買左燕窩俾我食﹐因為會加快細胞既復原…. 真係好開心. 不過要用飲管食…. 成個禮拜都要咁食野…. 因為嘴唇腫到成個豬咀咁﹐can’t move nor control it….. 所以要好似D病人插侯管咁﹐淨係用得飲管。 個南美州義工之旅由六個星期縮短到五個星期…. 其實唔多唔少都有D唔開心… 但係我相信呢個係上天既安排﹐可能今個星期如果我過左去會有更嚴重既事發生 *touch wood* ﹐而最重要既﹐係我深深體會到身邊既人有幾關心我。我屋企人﹐棒球隊友﹐香港朋友﹐英國朋友(當有msn時都特登打長途電話黎問候我…)。呢世人都未 試過一時間收到咁多咁sweet+touching+caring 既text…. 真係好開心﹐好想save 晒佢地…. 返到屋企﹐好多好好好朋友o係MSN 問候我﹐真係多謝你地呀…. 之後仲要多謝棒球隊友之後幫我清理善後(我知left field 果大灘血真係幾嚇人+核突…. 好似有人劈友咁)﹐幫我渣返架車返我屋企﹐仲話遲D請我食雪糕…. 嘻嘻嘻…. 愛死你地!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am terribly sorry to make you guys worried, I know that you all care, and I was, and still am, really touched + grateful about that. I will take good care of myself. Accidents do happen in sports! Should be thankful that I hurt a place that will not stop me from sports for the rest of my life… Imagine if my right hand is paralysed…. I will then find no meaning in my life anymore (No more baseball/wakeboard/drawing/piano/cello/guitar/everything…) I’m now so looking forward to the trip next week. Don’t worry guys, I’m not going to let this accident affect my Quality of Life. I’m still going enjoy life at its best like I always used to!!! |
今日突然間興起﹐又想食最original 既滿記甜品﹐所以渣車去西貢玩玩﹐三點三由又一村出發﹐好成功地唔洗半個鐘就去到lu….去到西貢第一件事…. 你唔會相信 — 就係去左匯豐入錢………… 山長水遠去到西貢﹐要去西貢匯豐入$$$$….. 入左350英磅入我個外幣戶口….
之後仲好玩…. 我地去左西貢買六合彩!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
仲記得第一次去…. 係o係旺角…. 我地一踏足個投注站就即刻有個嬸嬸走埋黎問我同lilian囉身份證…. 之後﹐我地個白痴樣引左個職員埋黎﹐好主動咁教我地點買六合彩………….
…. 所以今次我都預左會俾人查… 不過一入去﹐竟然無!! 我地就大搖大擺地搵六合彩個counter…. 不過就即刻有個職員走埋黎﹐指名度性向住我講… “呢位小姐﹐麻煩你俾身份證我睇睇…” …..笑死左lilian….. -_-… 車…車…..
買完之後… 我地去左行西貢D地道小舖… 兩條低B變左成個大鄉里出省咁﹐一路興奮咁又笑又叫。又買左好多野
嘩~~~ 好興奮囉…. 呢D野全部都係細個o係學校附近D士多/街市度買…. 成十幾年無見啦…. 係咪好熟面口?
之後去左apm 無印
之後o係apm 個露台(dunno what it’s called) 度影左張好懶係artistic 既相
途中我扮到好有音樂修養地播左隻Classical 既CD….
點知過左五首歌之後差D訓著…. 即刻轉碟…
33 Palace Gate and Beyond
Memories, memories….
This is going to take ages to load… so be prepared…
Been browsing through pictures taken in London for the past few years, immediately struck by an acute nostalgia….Fresher
Crazy me… as usual… (omg I used to have such cool hair!!!)
er… thanks joyce for taking this photo for me…
Beautiful snow… (I wonder if anyone can see the snowflakes here…)
Acting like identical twins again.. hehehe
Larva Lamp can prove useful at times like that…
Totally dead in the middle of exams… (As if I really did study hard…)Second Year
Found your shoes? (During house warming party)
Was this band show or DnK?? Totally forgotten
Eating the left-overs from last night’s hot pot….
Our unforgettable Pajamas Party!!!
Going Crazy with my baseball equipments
Hey guys, still remember the name of this event??
Don’t be misled, the cake didnt taste that good at all
Thanks fa for all the delicious meals you’ve cooked for lonely 獨居老人’s Val and me!
Our successful egg tarts!!! (Thanks to fa again…)
View from my window…. Flat 7, 33 Palace Gate… SOOO beautiful
Design team meeting (Okay, it’s more like snacking)
“小麟子, 不得無禮…莫非你又忘記左我地黎左2005年既大英帝國~??”
on our way to the after-show celebration!!
Soooo drunk…. omg… I wonder what were I saying on the phone…
Valval’s birthday!! The day b4 I leave UK!Graduated!!