Tagged: London

Jan 11


Listening to Chinese pop songs of approximately 4 or 5 years ago makes me feel kind of bitter….

Those were the songs I listen again and again in that cosy little dormitory room….

People banging into my room without knocking from time to time and I did the same but we didn’t seem to mind.

The microwave and microwavable containers were our main cooking utensils

All the fire drills at 4am and fire alarms due to a burnt bread stuck in the toaster.

Exeat weekends: hanging out in other people’s rooms in other houses and cooking and shopping and slacking

Totally out-of-tune mini musical bands: Playing pop songs the classical way…. (Piano, Violin x2, Cello, Flute, Vocal)

DDR tornaments in the common room

harry potter style trunks full of seaweed, EDO biscuits and instant noodles (which we sell to the gwai mui’s at an insanely high price)

Cooking Lap Mei Rice, then sharing it between 9 people squatting in a tiny little room… omg that’s like a refuge

Midnight birthday celebrations (The birthday girl always pretended not to expect that)… then blowing the candles out of the window in order not to trigger the fire alarm…

Very very very quiet bitching due to the extremely un-soundproof walls

Stolen grapes in the refrigerator

Signing in for 9 people at the dining room and getting caught

Sneeking into others’ rooms during Quiet times

And so much more

All these scenes of the good old days kept coming up my mind…. aw…. what a bittersweet feeling… High school life is just so much fun… kids, enjoy it while you can.


Nov 02

33 Palace Gate and Beyond

  • Memories, memories….

    This is going to take ages to load… so be prepared…
    Been browsing through pictures taken in London for the past few years, immediately struck by an acute nostalgia….


    Crazy me… as usual… (omg I used to have such cool hair!!!)

    Ho hing dai!

    er… thanks joyce for taking this photo for me…

    Beautiful snow… (I wonder if anyone can see the snowflakes here…)

    Acting like identical twins again.. hehehe

    Larva Lamp can prove useful at times like that…

    Totally dead in the middle of exams… (As if I really did study hard…)

    Second Year

    Found your shoes? (During house warming party)

    Was this band show or DnK?? Totally forgotten

    Cookies cookies!!

    On stage…….

    Off stage…

    Gik-ong-ly Off stage….


    Eating the left-overs from last night’s hot pot….


    Mario Kart– Who’s winning???

    Twister with the Judge

    No comment on this

    Third Year

    Poor us…

    Our unforgettable Pajamas Party!!!

    Going Crazy with my baseball equipments

    Up in Nottingham!

    Ooooohhhhh…. Mona Lisa!

    Hey guys, still remember the name of this event??

    Don’t be misled, the cake didnt taste that good at all

    Thanks fa for all the delicious meals you’ve cooked for lonely 獨居老人’s Val and me!

    Our successful egg tarts!!! (Thanks to fa again…)

    Eating cookie dough

    View from my window…. Flat 7, 33 Palace Gate… SOOO beautiful

    WHO ATE THAT???? WAS IT ME??????

    Design team meeting (Okay, it’s more like snacking)

    小麟子, 不得無禮莫非你又忘記左我地黎左2005年既大英帝國~??”

    如妃?? 小麟子?? 金姿慾孽??”

    on our way to the after-show celebration!!

    Soooo drunk…. omg… I wonder what were I saying on the phone…

    睇我幾有艷福????? hahahahhahahaha


    Valval’s birthday!! The day b4 I leave UK!


    Professor-Head of Department — Prof M.J. Lever


Oct 17



第 一日到倫敦﹐一落機﹐見到Heathrow Airport﹐即刻有好親切既感覺…. 之後打的去到 Gloucester Road….. The first thing in my mind was… “OMG… home sweet home…” and I’m referring to 33 Palace Gate together with the whole neighbourhood… everything hasn’t changed much!

黃昏去左同Melody “遊” Central London…. haha… 我又再大顯路痴既本色…. 嘻嘻﹐失禮晒添﹐真係非常之唔好意思﹐下次我帶本地圖出街啦… 之後又去左…. haha… well wasn’t as interesting as expected anyways…

第二日同媽媽去Belgium﹐其實幾悶下… 當陪下呀媽’tum’佢開心啦。

兩 日後又再返倫敦﹐去左參觀朋友仔們既屋企’s。Lee Lo Mo 仍然係一如以往的激昂﹐令我可以將延續gik-ong-ness 呢個重任放心交托俾你地.. haha… yeee… I wish I could stay over the weekend….

之 後同中學同學食飯… haha… CLC Gathering 每次都離唔開 non-stop gossiping session… 我地真係越大越多野8…. 笑左5 年既8掛事﹐到而家都仲笑緊…. 不過今次﹐真相大白…. wahahahhahahahahhaa!!!  you know what I’m talking about…

食完飯去參觀Val 同 Jac 屋企…. 真係幾唔錯bor…. 見到我親愛既大提琴… 記得好好幫我照顧著我個baby 呀…….
我: 我係深山大野人黎架嘛…
Val: 你唔係深山大美人… (Sounds a bit dodgy… :p)
haha I’m gonna miss your 用詞不當’s, val, hahahahahah

Last day = graduation day…. 不停俾人叫做 Harry Potter…. 乜真係咁似咩? 除左頭髮凌亂同埋著長袍之外﹐我完全唔覺似囉…..

臨走對住班朋友講拜拜﹐趕上的士既時候﹐真係有個衝動去改機票遲幾日先返香港…. 哈哈﹐咁趕返去因為唔想miss 左 baseball training﹐已經因為呢個不停俾人話無理既原因俾人丙左好多獲。

真 係第一次離開英國會有想喊既感覺… 三個月前走仲走得幾咁雀躍… 或者真係個典禮既緣故啦﹐今次真係深深感受到離別﹐真正地結束五年英國生活… 五年話長唔長﹐話短唔短﹐不過已經有足夠既野值得留戀﹐and all the sweet memories will definitely last for the rest of my life

for the very first time: I MISS LONDON AND I DON’T WANNA LEAVE!!!


Jun 11

a life which I’ve waited for 5 years

Okay back to Hong Kong. On I go to a life which I’ve waited for 5 years. Happy? Hmm. I’ve started to miss London, not surprisingly… Not that I liked this city, but I will miss the time I spent with my friends, my great neighbours, going crazy at their places and mine, eating their food, hea-ing, just having fun. IC Lectures, daily bitching and gossiping abt londoners, BBC documentaries, cooking sainsbury’s food, etc used to be an everyday part of me. Now they’re gone… forever…. a bit sad — Just that sudden sense of loneliness I got when I left DGS and CLC. So this is something bound to happen after leaving a school rite?

See you guys soon neighbours! You’re no longer within walking distance…. (but well, any place is within walking distance if I had the time….) From now on, we’ll only get to play together every 3 months la!! Will miss u guys loads!
